Tuesday 6 January 2015

Dealing with Panic Attacks (On Stage and Off)

First of all I would just like to say I am sorry for not blogging in so long I have been insanely busy but I am going to be more active on this blog now I've got a friend to make sure of that. 
But I wanted to talk- well write- about something that I know affects a lot of people and from personal experience I know that I didn't really know where to go for help and even though I had no need to at all I felt like I would be judged for it. There is no need to feel like that at all and I really don't want to sound like I'm preaching or telling you what to do because that is really not what I want  to do but if this helps just one person or makes someone feel better or more understood or more confident then that's awesome.

So "Panic Attacks". A lot of you guys may have heard about them or anxiety which can cause panic attacks, especially if you've heard of Zoella which you probably have, let's face it - she's everywhere. But I'm not going to write about anxiety or the science of what goes on during a panic attack or the chemical reactions and whatnot because I don't know that stuff and I'm not going to pretend to. I am just and ordinary teenage girl and I get panic attacks. I don't have diagnosed or medicated anxiety but let's face it we all feel anxiety at times and especially if you're dealing with the stress of school, or shows, or family problems or friend problems or anything but it's normal to feel this way. It's okay to get stressed to the point of crying. Sometimes you just have to let go of all your bottled up emotions in a way that doesn't hurt anyone, including yourself. It's okay to have days when you just want to put your headphones in and ignore the world. It's okay. And you won't feel like this for the rest of your life.

That being said, panic attacks can affect your life and to say the least, can be pretty inconvenient. I have never been unlucky enough to get one during a performance however I have had them or started to have them just before going on stage. The main trick is to learn not to be scared of them, just learn how to deal with them so that you are prepared for them when the time comes that you need to deal with a panic attack.

I've just listed a few things that I have learnt to do when i feel a panic attack coming on or am trying to recover from one in a short amount of time.

1) Don't Panic
That probably sounds really stupid but if you feel a panic attack coming on and then start to panic about the fact that you are having a panic attack it's not going to make it any better! The best thing is to just tell yourself to breath. If you can only remember one thing just remember to breath deeply and slowly and focus on one thing.

Like I just said, if you can't go outside for fresh air or away from people just pick one fixed point and focus all your attention on that and breathing, tune out everything else until you have calmed down.

3) Water
I will probably mention this in pretty much every 'tips' blog post that I do but whether you are in rehearsals, dance studio, audition, filming set, recording studio or just in school - bring WATER. Water is literally a lifesaver. As soon as you have calmed down enough to think clearly, sip some water and keep breathing (obviously) and keep focus until you have completely calmed down and the attack has gone.

When I am having a panic attack the best thing for me to do is go for a slow slow walk outside in the fresh air but sometimes that's not possible and a lot of the times, if you run out a rehearsal there is a high possibility that the director will send someone out after you and you probably don't want to cause a fuss and I know that I hate having to explain. *DISCLAIMER* These are just the things that work for me and I'm not saying that they will defiantly work for you but I do recommended trying them if you do suffer from panic attacks. Please don't feel like you're alone in this if you need someone to talk to I am here for you 100% and you can find me on twitter @AbbiDabs13 and yeah sorry this was kinda heavy but I just wanted to let you guys know that you are not alone and if you suffer from stage fright then these tips help with that to. 

Hopefully I will be back to weekly or at least bi-weekly posts so I'll talk to you guys soon! As always any comments, questions or requests just leave them in the comments and I'll be sure to get back to you!
Break a leg
Abbi x